Salt Spray Comparisons

Date: January 4, 1999
662 Cromwell Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114

Project: Salt Spray Testing
Client Purchase Order Number: Verbal
Prepared By: Scott W. Britzius Project Engineer/Experimental Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Department
Reviewed By: Richard S. Alberg Manager Mechanical Engineering Department
Phone: (651) 659-7307
  "An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer"

The test results contained in this report pertain only to the samples submitted for testing and not necessarily to all similar products.

Comparison Performance Torque Testing

This report presents the results of comparison Salt Spray performance tests conducted on 5/16" hex wrenches produced by three manufacturers. The testing was requested on January 4, 1999 by Mr Mike Blackston of the Bondhus Corporation.

The scope of work was limited to purchasing the hex wrenches directly from an industrial distributor, conducting the salt fog exposure testing and providing a report of the results. Testing was completed on February 4, 1999.

Manufacture Sample % Rust after
  20 hours exposure
Type & Location of Rust
Bondhus A 3 to 5%  3 to 4 pin head size red rust spots.
  B 3 to 5% 3 to 4 pin head size red rust spots.
Eklind A  60 to 70% Red rust and pitting of surface.
  B 60 to 70% Red rust and pitting of surface.
Allen  A  70 to 80%  Red rust and pitting of surface.
  B  70 to 80%  Red rust and pitting of surface.



Two (2) wrenches each were purchased from MSC Industrial Supply Co. under Maxim Technologies purchase order number 51345 on 1-14-99 and shipped to our facility by UPS.

Bondhus – 5/16" Hex Wrench, 1-1/2 x 6" with ball end.
Eklind Tool – 5/16" Hex Wrench, 1-1/2 x 6" with ball end.
Allen – 5/16" Hex Wrench, 1-1/2 x 6" with ball end.


The test was conducted in accordance with ASTM:B117-94. The samples were tested as received with no cleaning prior to exposure. The wrenches were supported at a angle of 15° from vertical for 20 hours under the following conditions:

Test Media: 5% Salt solution
Cabinet Temperature: 95° F
Fog Collection (ml/hr): 1.2 to 1.3
Specific Gravity: 1.037
pH Range: 7.0
Humidifier Temperature: 110° F
Tower Pressure: 12 psig

Salt Spray Chamber #2, MTI# MM 190-007, calibration traceable to the NIST on 6-4-98 due 6-4-99.

The wrenches will be retained for thirty days than discarded.